Summer School 2019 on Transfer Learning
The University of Passau organizes with the ENS Paris-Saclay in cooperation with the industrial partners Atos, Atos Worldline and Siemens the 3rd German-French Summer School on the topic “Transfer learning”.
The University of Passau organizes with the ENS Paris-Saclay in cooperation with the industrial partners Atos, Atos Worldline and Siemens the 3rd German-French Summer School on the topic “Transfer learning”.
From June 3rd to June 6th 2019
Location: Hoftaverne, Neuburg am Inn, Passau, Germany
The Summer School intends to build a strong network of young and experienced scientists for future cooperations. Addressing different approaches in the field of Transfer Learning, the event aims at getting a deeper insight into fundamental research works as well as technological transfer and industrial purposes.
The Summer School particularly targets junior scientists and PhD students doing their thesis in the industry or academia.
General programm : >>
More information on the website of Irixys